The official nightlife guide to New York City's mega-party New Year's Eve 2026 Lineup featuring NYE events at upscale lounges, trendy bars, top nightclubs each having luxe party amenities top DJ performances, Open Bars and VIP services and NYE parties with the best views of the ball drop in Times Square.
74 Wythe Ave Brooklyn NY US 11249
Tuesday, Dec. 31st
Massive Headliner DJ LIneup
Event ended
45 E 33rd St New York NY US 10016
Tuesday, Dec. 31st
Super Trendy Nightlife Hotspot
Event ended
790 8th Ave New York NY United States 10019
Tuesday, Dec. 31st
Event ended
63 Gansevoort Street New York NY US 10014
Tuesday, Dec. 31st
Event ended